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Stand Mount Speakers on HiFi Forsale
 ID 102047 Eclipse Td508 Mk3  SOLD 
Single driver, full-range, point-source loudspeakers from eclipse. these are ideal for near-field listening and smaller rooms, providing a very vivid image and soundstage, better than all conventional...

 ID 101791 Spendor Audio 3 5  SOLD 
@spendoraudio #ls3/5 sealed box monitor used £899 in cherry @midlandaudiox #belbroughton #worcestershire #madeintheuk

 ID 101459 Usher S-520  SOLD 
Usher S-520 speakers, 2 way, black gloss finish, bi-wireable,great sounding.

 ID 101457 Audio Note K Lx  SOLD 
Audio note K/LX in premium detailed Yew finish. Nice late spec, boxed on great condition. Heavy target R stands available to the buyer for an extra cost.

 ID 100892 Harbeth M30  SOLD 
Harbeth M30 speakers in Eucalyptus finish. Absolutely immaculate condition. They look beautiful and sound incredible.

 ID 100789 Kudos Cardea C1  SOLD 
Highly respected monitor

 ID 100704 Audio Note Ane Spe Se  SOLD 
High Gloss Makassar, with stands, external x-overs and packaging

 ID 100086 Audio Note An Ax2  SOLD 
The entry point of the range but sure packs a punch for their size rrp £1000 in white no packaging

 ID 94155 Sonus Faber Guarneri Momento  SOLD 
@sonusfaberofficial #guanerihomage #momento immaculate #violinred £4999 @midlandaudiox #belbroughton #worcestershire #madeinitaly #forza

 ID 78567 Janszen Za 1.1  SOLD 
A pair of Janszen ZA 1.1 is available in very good condition. Should you need more details, please click on http://www.hifibroker.com Paypal please add 5 % more https://www.facebook.com/Hifibroker ...

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