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Oppo Audiocom 105d Signiture
details & specifications
Audiocom Signiture version of the Oppo 105d Blue Ray and media controller reference upgrade.

This unit is in Mint condition and is for sale from the original owner.

The factory Audiocom signature upgrades include:

Ultra linear toroidal power supply

Improved digital femto clock DAC reducing jitter and HD Audio artifacts

Multi-Region / Muti-Area disc selection (manual)

All analogue circuits upgraded with improved linear / Audiophile components

Disc Transport handling and dampening upgraded

Includes Streaming services: <...   read more

Manufacturer  Oppo Audiocom
Model  105d Signiture
Advert insertion date 06:10:2022
Adrian has 1 active adverts on HiFi Forsale
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Adrian became a member on 31th July 2022
price: £SOLD
Tel - 07983295360

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